Taiwan International Students Against Injustice



Black lives matter

In May of 2020, video footage surfaced on the web of a police officer in Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA, kneeling on the neck and killing an unarmed
African American man, George Floyd.

Public reaction from the video sparked protests in the United States and abroad from people who were tired of seeing repeated incidents of police brutality towards and acts of racism towards the African American Community. The protests reignited the Black Lives Matter movement, which began five years prior after the fatal shooting of another unarmed African American, Michael Brown.

To raise awareness about the incident and movement, Taiwan International Students Against Injustice hosted rallies across the city to inform the public about the racism that black people face in society to this day.

Interested in knowing more about these rallies? Feel free to message us.

CCP Uyghur Crisis

The Chinese Communist Party has been operating a concentration camp in Xinjiang for its Uyghur Muslim population since 2017. In the camp, Uyghur Muslims are forced to renounce their faith, pledge loyalty to the Chinese Communist Party , and to abandon their cultural roots.

In addition, they also are subject to extreme violations of human rights within these camps; various witnesses report torture, brainwashing, sexual abuse, and many other forms of oppression. The list goes on. Uyghur Muslims are corralled into the camp for no crime than the practice of their faith.

At least 1.5 million Uyghur Muslims are victims of the Xinjiang concentration camp, according to a recent estimation from the Washington Post. Despite having solid evidence of abuses and terror within the camp, the Chinese Communist Party insists that they are not violating the human rights of the Uyghur Muslims.

Show your support for the Uyghur Muslim community by signing the petition or learn more about the crisis with the links below.

About us

Taiwan International Students Against Injustice is a Student Advocacy group founded in 2020 by young adults from the international school community in Taipei, Taiwan.

TISAI is dedicated to helping educate and inform the community on key issues affecting the world in regards to injustice, in the hopes of creating more activists who can in the future, help amplify the voices of the oppressed and speak out against social injustice. TISAI hopes to achieve this goal by hosting public events and gatherings in order to shed light on these issues.

Interested in getting to know us more? Get in touch!

Contact us

We love to connect with the community! Please feel free to contact us by email at any time with questions or inquiries and our team will make sure to respond as soon as we can and to the best of our abilities. Also, make sure to follow us on social media to stay up to date on events, rallies, or demonstration.
We look forward to hearing from you soon!

Taipei, Taiwan
[email protected]






這些示威抗議重新燃起五年前,另一位非裔男子,Michael Brown,被射殺後「的Black Lives Matter運動」。 為了提高人們對Black Lives Matter 運動意識,在台國際學生正義聯盟將號召社會大眾一起聲援反種族歧視及有色人種在社會上受的不平等對待的活動。



